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Tuesday 17 July 2018

Prayer develops a spiritual mind

But how shall we attain to a love that is strong enough to bless and pray for our enemies?

This is where we ask for the Holy Spirit's help. We cannot set our minds on spiritual things all by ourselves.  John Piper has a prayer acronym that might work for you - IOUS --

· I: “Incline my heart to your testimonies and not to getting gain.” (Psalm 119:36)
· O: “Open my eyes that I might behold wondrous things out of your law.” (Psalm 119:18)
· U: “Unite my heart that I might fear your name.” (Psalm 86:11)
· S: “Satisfy me in the morning with your steadfast love that I might rejoice and be glad in you all my days.” (Psalm 90:14)
Asking the Holy Spirit to do something in your mind and heart is a good way to start a prayer moment. 

The culture of prayer must be the primary focus every day in order for it to truly be considered foundational. This is something that should dominate our lives. It is essential to life as a follower of Jesus. 

It is even more critical when we are entrusted to lead others.  As leaders, it is our role to take people from where they are, to a better place, where they have not yet been and are not even sure they want to go. Without God’s constant guidance in our lives, how can we be confident of what we are teaching, how we are ministering, or why we are even leading? It does not matter how smart, well-intentioned or competent we are because our knowledge, skills, and talents are simply not enough for the task of leading others spiritually. That role is just too big for us to handle without continual prayer.

I think that many of us have a misunderstanding about the way that praying works.  Misguided prayer is a major cause of distress among followers of Christ and the reason why many avoid it.  It would seem that too many of us try to change God's mind when we are praying.  They are concerned about a problem and ask God to act in order to change the situation.  If nothing happens, the prayers turn to pleading and then nothing.

If God is worthy of all praise, and that Jesus' words found in Scripture are our authoritative standard and therein it describes that only God can deal with sin and produce holiness of life, I must find my total dependence on God and submit to Him. I need to accept the truth that praying in faith is absolutely necessary for the realisation of the will and grace of God in my daily life.

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